Wednesday, October 29, 2014

White Bean Fauxfu Cream Cheese

White Bean Fauxfu Cream Cheese Bagel and Maxwell House coffee.

Breakfast of Champions!

This recipe is a long one.
But for having a protein to spread on bread, well, worth it.
So confident. So Naive.

First, soak one pound dry Great Northern beans in 2 quarts of water for 24 hours.
[Eden Organics labels for sesame cross contamination]
Drain beans.

In your blender measure out 3 cups of soaked beans,
 and then fill the blender with fresh water up to the 5 cup mark.
Liquefy and then strain.
Repeat with the remaining beans.
Put your bean milk in the fridge for 12 hours and do not disturb.
You'll end up with this:

Go back in time and chose a wider mouthed jar, then scoop out the water on top.
Try not to disturb the creamy bean goo or the silt.

Discard this water[ or I don't know, use it to make Kool-Aid or oatmeal or something].
Pour the creamy bean goo in a pan, be careful to leave the silt,
and stir very frequently on medium heat for 20-30 minutes.
Add the silt, if it won't come out add some of the bean goo to the jar and scrape it up.
Stir continuously at medium heat. Do not leave it.

No really, it will stick and burn. Stir stir stir.

Line a small pan or bowl with several absorbent kitchen towels and pour what is now a very thick pudding.

[Somehow I didn't take a pic of this but you guys can imagine]

Fold the towels over the top and place a few plates or bowls on top.
Let it sit in the fridge for a half hour to press out excess moisture.
Remove toweling. Product should be fairly thick and cheesy.

[not thick or cheesy :( ]

If not use fresh towels and press again.
Once thickness is acquired:
1 cup Fauxfu
2TBS coconut cream
2TBS Vinegar
1Tablespoon Domino Sugar
½ tsp Morton Salt

Directions: Combine all ingredients in a food processor or blender and blend until smooth.
Pour into a bowl and keep covered and refrigerated until ready to serve.
Serve on a peanut, treenut, sesame, egg, dairy, soy free Lenders bagel; 
alongside some Maxwell House or 8 o' Clock coffee.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Vegemite Pasta

This is the fall-back meal in our house. 
It's a very simple thing, that I have made very adult and complicated, lol. 
Read on though. I'll tell you how to get the toddler to eat it.

First, I fried up one of those big boxes of fresh mushrooms with Bertolli olive oil in my big skillet, and alongside started the water to boil for the noodles. Once mushrooms started to look about done I added frozen broccoli and cooked those until they were mostly defrosted but not done, then added a can of Tuttoroso chopped tomatoes, two cups of kidney beans, some turmeric tofu I had pressed, Vegemite, margarine and the Colavita noodles.

This is much too fancy for my son. He doesn't like mushrooms or broccoli, lol. 
Selfish mommy. 
The Zwerg takes his pasta more traditionally: 
Vegemite and Parkay Squeeze, kidney beans.
Sometimes tomatoes or roasted carrots. 
And of course homemade ketchup.
We used to do peas. Looks fancy. His eyes swelled up. 

Do I sound a bit like a brand-whore here? I never was; in fact I'm very frugal.
Very few companies label for sesame ingredients though.
The ingredients can say "spice", "oil", "natural flavor".
And even fewer companies warn of cross contamination. 

My son has multiple allergies. The most challenging one is sesame.
If you are dealing with sesame allergies please join our Facebook group: